Stafford regards itself as an opportunistic investor and has focused largely on indirect investments via underlying funds. We believe that our philosophy is very much “Core” when it comes to the type of timberland assets we invest into. This is because they are mostly mature forests, in regions with established wood markets, and are therefore producing regular cash yields from the sale of logs.
They are typically also planted forests as opposed to natural forests. Stafford considers planted forests as having significantly lower levels of ESG and reputational risk. Focusing on planted forests in developed countries potentially provides for greater security of land tenure, reduced risk associated with corrupt practices, and the opportunity to participate in well-regulated log markets.
Stafford Timberland in an nutshell*
22 years
of timberland investment experience
USD 2.9bn
Timberland AUM
underlying assets
676,000 ha
Net timberland area*
* On a look-through basis representing the actual share of ownership in underlying assets by Stafford funds
Source: Stafford Capital Partners, data as of December 31, 2020